🚢 船舶日用品供應專家 🚢
🚢 Maritime Provisions Expert 🚢
(We provide exceptional maritime provision services to the global maritime industry, combining convenience, quality, and professionalism to make your voyages smoother. )
🌟 產品與服務:
Products and Services:
🛏 艙內設備:從舒適的床上用品到家具,讓您的船艙充滿舒適和溫馨。
Cabin Supplies: From comfortable bedding to furniture, we ensure your cabins are cozy and welcoming.
✨ 優質產品:提供高品質、耐用的船舶日用品,維護您船隻的完美狀態。
High-Quality Products: We offer high-quality, durable maritime provisions to maintain your vessel's perfect condition.
🍽 餐飲用品:綜合食品、廚房用具,以及一切需要的餐飲設備,為船員提供美味佳餚。
Galley Supplies: Comprehensive food, kitchenware, and all the dining equipment needed to provide delicious meals for your crew.
🚿 衛生用品:提供衛生紙、洗浴用品、清潔產品,確保衛生條件一流。
Sanitary Supplies: We provide hygiene products, toiletries, and cleaning items to ensure top-notch sanitation.
🔧 船舶維護:從甲板到機艙,我們提供維修和保養所需的工具和設備。
Vessel Maintenance: From the deck to the engine room, we offer the tools and equipment needed for maintenance and upkeep.
📦 供應鏈優勢:
- 全球採購網絡(Global procurement network)
- 快速交貨 (Swift delivery)
- 竭誠服務 (Dedicated service)
🤝 客製化服務:我們理解每艘船的需求都是獨一無二的,因此我們提供客製化解決方案,以滿足您的特定需求。
Customized Services: We understand that every vessel's needs are unique, which is why we provide tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements.
💡 為什選擇源舫國際?
Why Choose Yuanfang International?
We have years of experience and a deep understanding of maritime operations. We consistently deliver reliable, high-quality products and are committed to meeting your specific needs
🌐 聯絡我們:
No matter where you are, we're ready to provide you with the best service.
📞 電話:+ (886)078125475
Phone: + (886) 078125475
📧 郵箱:eandbkao@ms32.hinet.net
Email: eandbkao@ms32.hinet.net
🌐 網站:https://yuanfangguojiyouxiangongsi-chuanbowujingongyingshang.webnode.tw/
Website: https://yuanfangguojiyouxiangongsi-chuanbowujingongyingshang.webnode.tw/
Let Yuanfang International be your trusted partner in shaping the future of maritime navigation!
Initial stores to new buildings at various shipyards, home and abroad